When I was told at the beginning of the year that I was going to be blogging, I freaked out. I was less mature at that point, and more than a little stressed out. I didn't even really know what a blog was, and I had to do one. Standing where I am at the end of the year, however, I'm really glad that I was require to make and maintain a blog. It really did help me as a writer to have to write about stuff on a weekly basis. I'm sure that I picked up some bad habits along the way, but they don't transfer into my formal writing. There is a line for me, between blogging and writing papers for school. I know when I have to stop doing one and start doing the other.There are just thing you can do in a blog that you can't in a paper, and the other way around.
More than all of that too, is how I've changed because of blogging. I bet Mr. Ayers didn't expect this, but blogging has made me into a fuller person. I'm always watching for thing to blog about, and as a result of that, I guess you could call it a happy accident, I've learned so much more about the world, life , and myself. Blogging has helped me to shape the person I want to become. Helped me find where I want to fit in the world.
Blogging was always there if I needed to reflect on something that happened in my life, to kind of be my online guidance counselor. This whole year I've slowly become more aware of things that I was previously unconcerned about. World affairs used to not pertain to me, because they didn't affect me personally. Now I have opinions of my own, instead of listening to the news or my parents and having their opinions.
Some problems with blogging though, and some of these might be unavoidable, but deadlines. I now it's three a week, but sometimes things just come up, and you don't have the time or resources to get in that weeks blogs, and then they pile up, not a fun thing to have to deal with. Just tell us when you're going to check them in. Word count. Now I realize that you have to have a word count for all of the people who wouldn't do the blogs, but it's just hard sometimes to fill the word requirement, and let's face it, the people who don't want to do the blogs, won't. Just think about that, because, I always tried to get as many words as possible, but sometimes what you have to say doesn't take a lot of words. I actually think you should do it the same way you did it this year.
All that's left to say now is, thanks Mr. Ayers, you're a great teacher and your class helped me a lot. Have a great summer.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Life in Slow Motion
Have you ever wondered what life would be like if some people lived in slow motion, and others lived in fast forward. It would be crazy! the slow motion and fast forwards would have to live in different societies, because the fast forwards wouldn't have any patients at all. But putting a twist on it, the slow motions are more advanced, because they think things trough and have made many more technological advances that the fast forwards.
So we have the fast forwards living on the ground in theirs formula one fast cars, while the slow motions live up in the sky on their state of the art hover crafts and their cities in the clouds. The fast forwards are jealous too. Whenever a slow motion lands on the ground. Fast forwards attack him and steal his hovercraft.
After doing this for several years they finally have enough hovercrafts to take their people up to the cities in the sky. But the slow motions had seen what they were doing, and they're ready. They've built guns that slow the fast motions down to their speed.
An epic slow motion battle ensues. The fast forwards, not being accustomed to moving in slow motion, get dominated by the slow motions. Then the slow motions who had been missing solid ground, move back down to land, and fill the planet with their slow motion-ness. The End.
Wow that was super random, but it's just supposed to be a stupid story to maybe make some people laugh. So if you laughed thank you, if not, your name is probably Mr. Ayers, and no I'm not high. Just really bored...
So we have the fast forwards living on the ground in theirs formula one fast cars, while the slow motions live up in the sky on their state of the art hover crafts and their cities in the clouds. The fast forwards are jealous too. Whenever a slow motion lands on the ground. Fast forwards attack him and steal his hovercraft.
After doing this for several years they finally have enough hovercrafts to take their people up to the cities in the sky. But the slow motions had seen what they were doing, and they're ready. They've built guns that slow the fast motions down to their speed.
An epic slow motion battle ensues. The fast forwards, not being accustomed to moving in slow motion, get dominated by the slow motions. Then the slow motions who had been missing solid ground, move back down to land, and fill the planet with their slow motion-ness. The End.
Wow that was super random, but it's just supposed to be a stupid story to maybe make some people laugh. So if you laughed thank you, if not, your name is probably Mr. Ayers, and no I'm not high. Just really bored...
Looking Forward
With all of the grad parties, and all of my friends leaving for college or the military, I've really started to think of my own venture out in to the real world. It's a scary thing to think about for me. Everything that has held me down, and more or less controlled my life will be gone in a year. Sometimes I try to picture myself after college, and I can't do it. Who knows what I'll go through, and what kind of person I'll be because of it.
I don't know how I'll handle not having all of the rules to follow that I do now. What if I can't handle it? What if I get into bad stuff? So many what ifs fill my head that it's hard to think straight anymore. I'm reasoning with myself that I'll do fine. I'll have plenty of studying to do to fill my time. Also I know that I won't get in with the wrong crowd, because I've never been one to try to fit in by doing the wrong thing, or changing who I am to make others like me. I'm morally opposed to drugs and alcohol so I don't think that that will be a problem either.
After all of the things that worry me make way for the more positive things, I'm really excited for college. It's a new chapter in my life. The beginning of me becoming a contributing member of society. I don't know for sure what I want to be yet, but I have time. I was talking to my cousin in law the other day, and he told me that he changed his major three times while he was in college. So when I hear things like that I know that I'll be fine.
Thanks for reading this if you did. It was more for me to put all of it down somewhere to better understand it, so sorry if it's confusing.
I don't know how I'll handle not having all of the rules to follow that I do now. What if I can't handle it? What if I get into bad stuff? So many what ifs fill my head that it's hard to think straight anymore. I'm reasoning with myself that I'll do fine. I'll have plenty of studying to do to fill my time. Also I know that I won't get in with the wrong crowd, because I've never been one to try to fit in by doing the wrong thing, or changing who I am to make others like me. I'm morally opposed to drugs and alcohol so I don't think that that will be a problem either.
After all of the things that worry me make way for the more positive things, I'm really excited for college. It's a new chapter in my life. The beginning of me becoming a contributing member of society. I don't know for sure what I want to be yet, but I have time. I was talking to my cousin in law the other day, and he told me that he changed his major three times while he was in college. So when I hear things like that I know that I'll be fine.
Thanks for reading this if you did. It was more for me to put all of it down somewhere to better understand it, so sorry if it's confusing.
A Very Hectic Weekend
So much stuff to do so little time. Memorial Day weekend is supposed to be the weekend when you kick back and just go with the flow. Unfortunately I had a different direction to go then where the flow was taking me. I had a ton of grad parties to go to, and all of my end of the year homework that still isn't done. This is when time management really comes in handy.
With all of this stuff going on I can't seem to shake the feeling that I'm missing something. I go through every day with this constant nagging at the back of my mind. I really can't figure it out. When I'm doing stuff actually I'm fine, but when I'm just sitting at a grad party or at home, my mind fills with this feeling.
I really can't even describe it. It's a feeling of being overwhelmed and a feeling of total helplessness. That's another reason school needs to get over, because I think school is somehow at the bottom of this feeling I have. If I have to deal with this much longer I think I might go insane. I'm afraid that this week I'm just going to have a meltdown, and it's not going to be pretty.
So I'm done complaining now. I'll just continue to bottle it up. No, just kidding, I think the technical term for it is Senioritis, and I have it bad.
With all of this stuff going on I can't seem to shake the feeling that I'm missing something. I go through every day with this constant nagging at the back of my mind. I really can't figure it out. When I'm doing stuff actually I'm fine, but when I'm just sitting at a grad party or at home, my mind fills with this feeling.
I really can't even describe it. It's a feeling of being overwhelmed and a feeling of total helplessness. That's another reason school needs to get over, because I think school is somehow at the bottom of this feeling I have. If I have to deal with this much longer I think I might go insane. I'm afraid that this week I'm just going to have a meltdown, and it's not going to be pretty.
So I'm done complaining now. I'll just continue to bottle it up. No, just kidding, I think the technical term for it is Senioritis, and I have it bad.
End of Year Drag
It's the end of the school year. You know it's funny, I thought that the end of the year meant less stuff to do. Just a coast into summer, but it seems my teachers have a different idea about what the end of the year is supposed to be about. End of the school year to them means teach more in the last two weeks of school then they have all year. To them it's let's try to make the kids' heads explode, so that their summers suck ass.
Okay so maybe that's not what they're thinking, but it sure seems like it. I have more homework now at the very end of the year than I've had all year at one time. It really sucks, because I have all of this homework, but absolutely no motivation to do it. Take these blog for instance, sorry Ayers, but that's why I waited until last minute to do them, is because I don't want to sit in my stuffy old basement when I could be outside enjoying a beautiful day.
I just don't get it. Do teachers not understand that kids' focus goes out the window this time of year? I'll probably never understand will I? Whatever I don't even care then. Peace out sukkas.
Okay so maybe that's not what they're thinking, but it sure seems like it. I have more homework now at the very end of the year than I've had all year at one time. It really sucks, because I have all of this homework, but absolutely no motivation to do it. Take these blog for instance, sorry Ayers, but that's why I waited until last minute to do them, is because I don't want to sit in my stuffy old basement when I could be outside enjoying a beautiful day.
I just don't get it. Do teachers not understand that kids' focus goes out the window this time of year? I'll probably never understand will I? Whatever I don't even care then. Peace out sukkas.
Why do we love heroes so much? I think the most obvious answer is envy. We envy the things they can do. We wish we were them and that's why we love them. I do not think that this is the real reason we love them so much. Sure it might be a big part of it, but there has to be something else.
With all of the superhero movies coming out it started me thinking. What is it about them that so intrigues the human race? What I started to think of when I thought superheroes were not the heroes themselves, but rather the bad guys. Every superhero has one. Without and arch enemy, what is a hero besides someone that can fly or punch things?
We all know that the bad guys in the movies never win, but sometimes I find myself rooting for them just a little. They really are the underdog, and people like an underdog to root for, even if that same underdog happens to be doing things that we are morally against.
It's a human addiction to danger that drives us to love them so much. We love to put ourselves in the spot of the hero and ask: what would I do in that situation? You can argue and say all you want about why we love them, but I'm saying it's all about the bad guys and the danger. We really are a twisted race of beings.
With all of the superhero movies coming out it started me thinking. What is it about them that so intrigues the human race? What I started to think of when I thought superheroes were not the heroes themselves, but rather the bad guys. Every superhero has one. Without and arch enemy, what is a hero besides someone that can fly or punch things?
We all know that the bad guys in the movies never win, but sometimes I find myself rooting for them just a little. They really are the underdog, and people like an underdog to root for, even if that same underdog happens to be doing things that we are morally against.
It's a human addiction to danger that drives us to love them so much. We love to put ourselves in the spot of the hero and ask: what would I do in that situation? You can argue and say all you want about why we love them, but I'm saying it's all about the bad guys and the danger. We really are a twisted race of beings.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wallowing in Our Own Filth

Who wants to live next to that? They smell and they aren't fun to look at. I wouldn't want to look out my window everyday and see someone else's trash in my backyard.

And how do we know that these landfills are safe? How do we know that chemicals from our trash aren't seeping into the soil of the plot of land nest to the landfill, which just happens to be a farmers land that he grows his crops on. He harvest those crops and sends them to the store to be consumed by all of us. Sounds appetizing doesn't it? I mean you don't know what kinds of chemicals there are in the colorful wrappers of junk foods, but you might be consuming them on a daily basis.
We can't burn trash either. That harms the atmosphere. Sure it's an effective way to get rid of it,
but it turns out it's also an effective way to get rid of us. We need an answer soon.

We have so much trash that it spills over into other places. People don't even care anymore they just throw there trash anywhere they want, just chuck it on the ground someone will get it, or not, whatever. It's ridiculous we're ruining our planet. Where the hell are we going to go when this one is gone? People you're bringing your own end. We're all going to drown in waste.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Swine flu. Is it really something to be feared?
The big thing with swine flu is just that it is another form of the flu, only this strain has killed people. It has killed people in areas where there is insufficient medical care for the residents, and that is why they are dying. Not because this particular flu is more deadly than other kinds.
Every year a quarter of a million people die of the flu. And how many people have died of swine flu so far? Well give or take a few, there are about a hundred. I'm starting to get a little suspicious of this whole thing.
In Egypt they started killing every pig in the country, places with a large pig population have been cut off from the world, Mexico, where it all started is quarantined. There isn't even any proof that people can get it from pigs, I know stupid right? We should have just called it rainbow flu or flower flu, because then people would be a lot less afraid of this flu that has only killed a fraction of what the flu does every year.
This is just another example of the media looking for ratings. If they scare you into believing that you're going to get swine flu and die, you'll watch their news cast to get all of the updates. Hope you don't die from swine flu America. Peace out.
The big thing with swine flu is just that it is another form of the flu, only this strain has killed people. It has killed people in areas where there is insufficient medical care for the residents, and that is why they are dying. Not because this particular flu is more deadly than other kinds.
Every year a quarter of a million people die of the flu. And how many people have died of swine flu so far? Well give or take a few, there are about a hundred. I'm starting to get a little suspicious of this whole thing.
In Egypt they started killing every pig in the country, places with a large pig population have been cut off from the world, Mexico, where it all started is quarantined. There isn't even any proof that people can get it from pigs, I know stupid right? We should have just called it rainbow flu or flower flu, because then people would be a lot less afraid of this flu that has only killed a fraction of what the flu does every year.
This is just another example of the media looking for ratings. If they scare you into believing that you're going to get swine flu and die, you'll watch their news cast to get all of the updates. Hope you don't die from swine flu America. Peace out.
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