Thursday, March 12, 2009


Have you heard of this? It's a website you can go to, get an account and then send it answers to simple questions via text or just through the web. Normally no big deal, just another stupid social networking site, but in my opinion this is becoming a problem. I saw a special on TV the other day about Twitter. The segment talked about how politicians actually go on to this website while their sitting in committee to post. That's absolutely ridiculous. I'm not going to pretend to know exactly how it works, or why it holds so much appeal, but I do know a problem when i see one.

These guys are supposed to be shaping our country and instead they're posting answers to stupid questions for their friends instead of having debates and passing laws. You elect these people people. You should be outraged. The laws that you want passed are sitting idle because your congressman/woman is tweeting.

I know I know. How are we going to stop them. Well I would say just to set up a cell phone jammer so that they can't access the web on their blackberries, but there is always the occasional emergency call so we don't want to do that. If I may suggest something so extreme as to stop electing officials that slack at their job? what if when you hear of one of them doing this, and the next time he/she is on the chopping block to simply chop them. And make it clear why you did it too. So that the nest one has no illusions of how you feel about the matter.

Socialize on your own time, not our time, not the nations time.

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