Isn't it amazing what we can do now days? There is a museum in Chicago that takes bodies that have been donated to science and rejected for some vague reason and turn them into this. They do it by injecting some kind of liquid plastic into the veins and letting it harden. They then remove all of the tissue that wasn't preserved. In the picture on the left you see a guy who just kicked a soccer ball. They have a huge range of displays. The ones here are just a few, they have pregnant mothers with fetuses at different stages of development, there are ones with different diseases that have an effect on physical appearance. I'm just dumbstruck by the thought of having these things on display. If you think this looks cool you should definitely check into it, and link to this post. Also if you ever get the opportunity to go to one of these museums, GO! Once I had the choice to go to the one in Chicago bu I decided against it, and I regret that decision to this day.

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